
医師のキャリアサポートと医療経営サポート Career Support & Medical Management Support Services


Provide Career Change Opportunities
Help with job change opportunities
Physician career change and medical
management support

Clinet Co. Ltd. provides franchises for existing or newly opened clinics, hospitals, and medical institutions.
CLN is a global healthcare company established in October 2001, which helps to support effective management through administrative and medical business operations.
CLN specializes in the operation and management of hospitals and clinics around the world, including plastic and beauty surgery clinics.
CLN manages and supports existing or newly created hospitals and clinics through franchising and assisting their business.
CLN works globally together with a variety of healthcare organizations, including medical institutes, hospitals, clinics, pharamacies, and pharmaceutical companies, to aim towards creating better and more innovative ways of treating patients with the most updated medicine.
CLN offers hardware and software for doctors and investors who wish to start their own hospitals and clinics, allowing them to launch their businesses with minimal financial burden and risks.
CLN also provides existing hospital and clinic owners with an outsourcing service to dispatch specialists, nurses, receptionists, medical accountants, medical clerks, radiologists, rehabilitation staff, and laboratory staff to facilitate their efficient management and daily operations.

Our goal is to create an international network among medical facilities, organizations, and various types of specialists to provide patients with the best and most effective medical services and treatments.

クリネットの3本柱 Three Main Components

日本国および海外におけるClinic およびHospitalの運営フランチャイズ提携ならびに薬局などの誘致運営連携Dr.co-medical staff の生涯教育を通じたスキルアップJob Opportunityの提供

Operation of Clinics and Hospitals in Japan and overseas Franchise alliances and cooperation in attracting and managing pharmacies, etc. Skill improvement through lifelong education for doctors and co-medical staff Providing job opportunities


Medical management consulting



Consulting for domestic and international pharmaceutical and medical device companies with to expand into Japan or overseas



会社概要 Profile

社   名  クリネット株式会社
Company name Clinet Co., Ltd.
本   店  〒662-0863 兵庫県西宮市室川町5-25
Head Office 5-25 Murokawa-cho, Nishinomiya-shi, Hyogo 662-0863
本   社  〒571-0032 大阪府門真市寿町21-37
Headquarters 21-37 Kotobukicho, Kadoma City, Osaka 571-0032
TEL 06-6995-4881 FAX 06-6995-4880
創   業  2001年10月
Founded October 2001
取 引 銀 行  三井住友銀行
Main Bank Sumitomo Mitsui Banking Corporation (SMBC)
公認会計士  太田公認会計事務所
Certified Public Accountant(CPA) Ota Certified Public Accounting Office
顧問弁護士  堂島法律事務所
Counselor Dojima Law Office

沿革〈History〉Corporate History

2001年10月  本店創設 October 2001 Head office established
2001年10月  1号店開設 October 2001 First store opened
2001年12月  2号店開設 December 2001 2nd store opened
2002年 4月  3号店開設 April 2002 3rd store opened
2002年10月  4号店開設 October 2002 4th store opened
2003年 3月  5号店開設 March 2003 5th store opened
2003年 7月  本社創設 July 2003 Head office established
2003年 7月  6号店開設 July 2003 6th store opened
2004年12月  7号店開設 December 2004 7th store opened
2004年12月  8号店開設 December 2004 8th store opened
2010年12月  9号店開設 December 2010 9th store opened



経営システム Management System

Clinetは、全国の医療機関をサポートします。我が社が運営管理する 医療機関に対し、独占的に医療業務等の営業活動を行う権利を与え、 管理する経営システムです。
病院・医院開業が困難な医師に直営店舗を提供し、複雑な医事・医療 業務に縛られることなく医療に専念していただきながら、ローコスト で病院・医院経営を継続できるシステムを構築し、医師の皆様や地域 社会に貢献しています。

Clinet supports medical institutes nationwide.
Clinet provides an exclusive management system for institutes that are operated and managed by our company,
granting and managing the right to conduct business activities such as medical services.
We provide directly managed stores to doctors who have difficulty opening hospitals and clinics, allowing them to
provide medical care without being tied down to complex medical affairs and medical work.
We provide hospitals and medical services at a low cost, while allowing you to concentrate on your work.
We have built a system that allows hospital management to continue effectively and ensures that all doctors can contribute their best effort towards their customers and local communities.


クリニック フランチャイズ システム Clinic Franchise System

日本国内および海外で運営されているクリニックや 病院の業務提携を行ないます。
フランチャイズの提携ならびに薬局などの誘致運営 の連携を促します。
コメディカル(看護師、保健師、助産師、薬剤師、 臨床検査技師、衛生検査技師、臨床工学技士、放射 線技師、理学療法士、作業療法士、言語聴覚士、栄 栄養士,管理栄養士,救急救命士など)の生涯教育 を通じてスキルアップや転職の機会を提供します。

Working with hospitals and clinics operating in Japan and overseas, we aim to help create business and franchise alliances. We encourage collaboration and aim to bring together a wide range of medical and co-medical professionals, including (but not limited to) nurses, midwives, pharmacists,
clinical laboratory technicians, sanitary laboratory technicians, clinical engineers, radiologists,
physical therapists, and speech therapists.
We provide opportunities for professionals to improve their skills and change careers, such as continued education for nutritionists, registered dietitians, and emergency medical technicians.
world world
コメディカル Co-Medical 医師と共に医療に携わる医療専門職種の総称
A general term for medical professionals involved in medical care together with doctors.


医療経営コンサルティング Medical Management Consulting

医療機関の開業から事業承継までをトータルにご支援する とともに、豊富な事例を基に院長の悩みを各種専門的メニ ューで解決いたします。
医療機関の健全な組織運営や強固な経営体質の確立にむけ て、経営診断や経営管理体制の整備、人事システムの整備、 業務改善などのお手伝いを行ないます。

We provide total support across the entire business life cycle, whether it be assisting in the opening of a new medical institute or the succession of your business.
Additionally, we are able to provide advice on the concerns of hospital directors based on our expertise in a wealth of case studies.
We offer a variety of specialized services to help solve your business problems. We provide assistance in establishing business systems and improving business operation to ensure sound organizational management and a strong management structure for your medical institution.


製薬、医療機器メーカーに対するコンサルティング Pharmaceutical & Medical devices

国内外の製薬、医療機器メーカーの日本あるいは 海外への進出のコンサルティングを行ないます。 医薬品・医療機器などの医療関連企業、新たに医 療業界への参入を検討している企業、病院、保険 者、官公庁など医療業界全域において、戦略から 実行まで幅広いコンサルティングサービスを提供 致します。

We are able to provide consulting for Japanese or foreign pharmaceutical and medical device companies wishing to expand overseas. Whether it be medical-related companies, new medical technologies, or even insurance companies, CLN is able to provide a wide range of consulting services, covering all aspects from strategy to implementation, to help companies wishing to enter the medical industry.



Contact Form お問合せフォーム

Provide Career Change Opportunities
Help with job change opportunities
Physician career change and medical
management support


Head Office

クリネット株式会社 本店
〒662-0863 兵庫県西宮市室川町5-25
TEL: 090-8750-9596
Clinet Co., Ltd.
5-25 Murokawa-cho, Nishinomiya-shi,
Hyogo 662-0863 Japan
P: *81-90-8750-9596

Main Office

クリネット株式会社 本社
〒571-0032 大阪府門真市寿町21-37
TEL: 06-6995-4881
Clinet Co., Ltd.
21-37 Kotobukicho, Kadoma City,
Osaka 571-0032 Japan
P: +81-6-6995-4881